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FPGA Video card - Version 2.0

While I have already designed a working but minimal FPGA based VGA graphics card based on the Spartan-6 FPGA, I have already designed a follow up design for ...

DdraigDOS: The early(ish) days

DdraigDOS was born out of a desire to have a proper operating system for Y Ddraig. Initial testing to get the basics of the hardware was done using some basi...

Joypad, V9958 and V9990 Video cards

While I haven’t updated this site in quite a while, I have been making progress on a few different areas of Y Ddraig. On the hardware front, I have finished...

Expansion card: YM2151 Audio

This sound card is based around the Yamaha YM2151 8 channel FM synthesiser. It was used in some Yamaha synthesisers and systems such as the Sharp X68000 and ...

Expansion card: TMS9918A

When I ordered the new PCB for Y Ddraig, I also ordered some additional expansion card PCBs. A couple of these I had made previously and just moved the desig...